Source Intelligence ® (SI) is a global network of businesses linked together to expedite the exchange and validation of compliance information. SI’s cloud-based SaaS platform helps customers make informed decisions about business partners to offer products that meet legal, ethical, and environmental standards. The company’s information and analytics platform provides customers with visibility into supply chains in order to comply with the law, minimize operational and brand risk, and improve efficiency. Founded in 2009 by career experts in environmental solutions and analytics, Source Intelligence ® has headquarters in Carlsbad, California and operations worldwide. SI has received multiple awards, including the “2016 Product of The Year Award,” from Environmental Leader. CEO Jess Kraus was recently named “CEO of the Year” by CIO Review. 
Total Parts Plus is the leading provider of parts data content for product environmental compliance and lifecycle management. TPP’s data collection and validation services along with our suite of software tools and applications provide a comprehensive solution for data analysis and compliance reporting.  Data collections efforts include EU RoHS, China RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals and other applicable legislation.  
Assent  builds elegant software to help automate processes, reduce workload, increase efficiencies and ultimately help companies save on compliance costs. Assents four pillars include: Software, Data, Expertise and Turnkey Services. 
iPoint is your reliable partner for product compliance and sustainability. Create value with our market-leading software solutions and services for business processes and sustainable products.


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