Motivations for Responsible Gold Supply Chains - Track A [concurrent]
Date & Time
Thursday, November 10, 2016, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Gold remains a significant challenge in the responsible sourcing space. Given the global application of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and the amount of illicit gold on the market, this session will provide an overview of what key stakeholders are doing to identify and manage risks in the gold supply chain specifically and the tools and systems available to help companies conduct risk-based due diligence.
Session Type
Moderator: Marianna Smirnova, CFSI Project Manager, CFSI
Joanne Lebert, Executive Director, Partnership Africa Canada
Marcin Piersiak, Deputy Director, Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM)
Fabiana Di Lorenzo, Governance and Due Diligence Manager, Estelle Levin Limited
Mission City Ballroom: B2-B5